Insurance Dispute
Normally, an insurance agent remains very much liable, sincere, and promising while selling an insurance policy to you; however, when it’s your turn to get your money back; they become very much strict and law-abiding. They attempt their best to find the reason how to escape from paying back your money, which leads to a dispute situation.
Whether it is your life-insurance, medical insurance, or any other sorts of general insurance, following are the possible reasons that may empower insurer not to pay back your money:
- Policy Exclusions: Insurer normally makes a list of ‘contain exclusion policies’ outlining specific situations or events in which he will not make any payment of your claim.
- Conditions and Responsibilities: If you do not meet the given conditions outlined in your policy, insurer will not make any payment of your claim.
- Cancellation of your Policy: In a condition, when you failed to pay your premium amount, your insurance gets canceled and you lose your right to claim.
- Non-disclosure: In a condition when you hide some facts, which are required to disclose to your insurer, it might also affect your insurance policy and ultimately will affect your right to claim on your policy.
- Failing to Maintain your Property: If you have a general insurance of your house or any such kind of property and you have not looked after your insured property as you suppose to be; in such a condition, you might lose the right to claim for the damages.
Furthermore, whatever the condition is – if your insurer refuses to pay or pay partially, it leads to dispute; therefore, if you feel that you are trapped in such a situation Call Us or Write Us.